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Emul Game List
Emul Other List
Acorn - Archimedes
Acorn - BBC Micro
Acorn - Electron
Amstrad - CPC
Amstrad - GX4000
Apple - II
Apple - IIgs
Atari - 2600
Atari - 5200
Atari - 7800
Atari - 8-Bit
Atari - Jaguar
Atari - Lynx
Atari - ST
Bally Professional Arcade &..
Bandai - WonderSwan
Bandai - Wonder Swan Color
Casio - PV-1000
Camputers - Lynx
Coleco - Colecovision
Commodore - Plus 4
Commodore - 64
Commodore - 128
Commodore - Amiga
Commodore - PET
Commodore - VIC-20
Doom 2
Dragon - Data Dragon
Duke Nukem 3D
EACA - Colour Genie EG-2000
Emerson - Arcadia 2001
Entex - Adventure Vision
Exelvision - EXL 100
Exidy - Sorcerer
Fairchild - Channel F
Fujitsu - FM-7
Fujitsu - FM Towns
Future Pinball
GCE - Vectrex
HomeLab - HomeLab
Interact - Family Computer
Interton - VC 4000
Magnavox - Odyssey²
Matra Hachette - Alice 32
Matsushita - National JR 20..
Mattel - Aquarius
Mattel - Intellivision
MGT - Sam Coupe
Microkey KFFT - Primo
Microsoft - DOS
Microsoft - MSX
Microsoft - MSX-2
Microsoft - MSX-2+
Microsoft - MSX Turbo-R
Microsoft - Windows 3.x
Microsoft - Windows
NEC - PC-60
NEC - PC-88
NEC - PC-98
NEC - PC-Engine (Turbo Graf..
Nintendo - 3DS
Nintendo - 64
Nintendo - DS
Nintendo - Famicom
Nintendo - Game Boy
Nintendo - Game Boy Advence
Nintendo - Game Boy Color
Nintendo - GameCube
Nintendo - Super Famicom
Nintendo - Virtual Boy
Nintendo - Wii
Panasonic - 3DO Interactive
PEL Varazdin - Orao
Philips - VG-5000
Philips - Videopac+
Radio-86RK - Apogej BK-01
Radio-86RK - Mikrosha
Radio-86RK - Partner-01.01
Radio-86RK - Radio-86RK
Radio-86RK - YuT-88
RCA - Chip-8
RCA - Studio II
RCA - Superchip
Sega - Game Gear
Sega - Master System
Sega - Mega Drive
Sega - Model 1
Sega - Model 2
Sega - Naomi
Sega - Saturn
Sega - SC-3000
Sega - SF-7000
Sega - SG-1000
Sega - Visual Memory System
Sharp - MZ-700
Sharp - MZ-800 & MZ-1500
Sharp - X1
Sharp - X68000
Sinclair - ZX Spectrum
Sinclair - ZX 81
SNK - Neo-Geo
SNK - Neo-Geo Pocket
SNK - Neo-Geo Pocket Color
Sony - Playstation
Sony - Playstation 2
Sony - PlayStation Portable
Sord - M5
Spectravideo - SVI-318, SVI..
Tangerine - Microtan 65
Tangerine - ORIC
Texas Instruments - TI-83
Texas Instruments - TI-99
Thomson - MO5
Thomson - MO6
Thomson - TO7
Thomson - TO8
Tiki Data Kontiki-100
Tomy - Tutor and Pyuuta
TRS - TRS-80 MC-10
TRS - TRS-80 Model I
TRS - TRS-80 Model III
TRS - TRS-80 Model 4
University of Cambridge - E..
Videoton - TV Computer 64
VTech - Laser 200
Watara - Supervision
Acorn - Archimedes
Acorn - BBC Micro
Acorn - Electron
Amstrad - CPC
Apple - II
Apple - IIgs
Atari - 2600
Atari - 5200
Atari - 8-Bit
Atari - Jaguar
Atari - Lynx
Atari - ST
Bally Professional Arcade &..
Bandai - Wonder Swan Color
Camputers - Lynx
Coleco - Colecovision
Commodore - 128
Commodore - 64
Commodore - Amiga
Commodore - PET
Commodore - Plus 4
Commodore - VIC-20
Dragon - Data Dragon
EACA Colour Genie - EG-2000
Exelvision - EXL 100
Exidy - Sorcerer
Fairchild - Channel F
Fairchild - VES & Channel F
Fujitsu - FM Towns
Fujitsu - FM-7
GCE - Vectrex
HomeLab - HomeLab
Interact - Family Computer
Magnavox - Odyssey²
Matsushita - National JR 20..
Mattel - Aquarius
Mattel - Intellivision
MGT - Sam Coupe
Microkey KFFT - Primo
Microsoft - DOS
Microsoft - MSX
Microsoft - MSX-2
Microsoft - MSX-2+
Microsoft - MSX Turbo-R
NEC - PC-60
NEC - PC-88
NEC - PC-Engine
Nintendo - 64
Nintendo - Famicom
Nintendo - Game Boy
Nintendo - Game Boy Advence
Nintendo - Virtual Boy
Panasonic - 3DO Interactive
PEL Varazdin - Orao
Philips - VG-5000
Philips - Videopac+
Radio-86RK - Apogej BK-01
Radio-86RK - Mikro-80
Radio-86RK - Mikrosha
Radio-86RK - Partner-01.01
Radio-86RK - Radio-86RK
Radio-86RK - YuT-88
RCA - Chip-8
RCA - Studio II
RCA - Superchip
Sega - Master System
Sega - Mega Drive
Sega - Saturn
Sega - SG-1000
Sega - SF-7000
Sega - Visual Memory System
Sharp - MZ-700
Sharp - MZ-800 & MZ-150..
Sharp - X1
Sharp - X68000
Sinclair - ZX 81
Sinclair - ZX Spectrum
SNK - Neo-Geo
SNK - Neo-Geo Pocket Color
Sord - M5
Spectravideo - SVI-318, SVI..
Tangerine - Microtan 65
Tangerine - ORIC
Texas Instruments - TI-83
Texas Instruments - TI-99
Thomson - MO5
Thomson - MO6
Thomson - TO7
Thomson - TO8
Tiki Data Kontiki-100
TRS - TRS-80 MC-10
TRS - TRS-80 Model I
TRS - TRS-80 Model III
TRS - TRS-80 Model 4
University of Cambridge - E..
Videoton - TV Computer 64
VTech - Laser 200
Flash Game
Pure Star's Emul
Other/Fujitsu - FM-7 (2)
FM - NEW 7 Demo : Fujitsu 1984
DiskFM Vol.1 : Unknown 19xx
Theme Style
Type 03(WIP)
Font Style
ENG: VT323, KOR: Do Hyeon
Browser Default
Pure Star's Emul